One of the most important things you can do in life is to understand your problems, before you try to solve them. Whether it’s a personal challenge or something that affects the world around you, developing diverse perspectives to understand helps you find a better problem to solve, and think outside the box.
Think about if someone else had this same problem, you face. If you can solve it, you’d be able to provide them with advice and support, and they’d probably want to hire you as their personal assistant.
It also helps when there are others who are in a similar situation as yours. If everyone thinks about their problems in this way, then no one will be alone anymore!
You need perspective on your problems so that they don’t seem so big and overwhelming; otherwise, they’ll feel like insurmountable obstacles on the path to success.”.
If you’re a high school student, you probably have a ton of problems. From figuring out how to pay for college to dealing with your parents’ divorce. It can be hard to know what to do about all the different issues that come up in your life.
That’s where my course “Power of perspective: Solve your best problem” comes in. This course will help you figure out the best problems for you to solve. reframing perspectives will get you the insights that will help you feel confident about yourself. And ready for whatever life throws at you.
In this course, we’ll look at perspectives from several different angles—including how they affect our emotions, behaviors, relationships with others, and even our physical health—and then use these perspectives as tools to identify the “best problem” for each person based on their unique set of circumstances. By understanding how different perspectives work together and coming up with strategies that work for everyone involved, we can find a way forward in any situation!
In this course, I’ll teach you how to solve your problems in a way that makes you feel better about yourself and gives you the confidence to take on life’s challenges head on. To me, this sounds like a pretty cool idea—and it’s not just me! Thousands of students from all over the world are taking my course and loving it! Why? Because it works!
This course will teach you how to identify a problem that matters to you, then use the power of perspective to find the right solution. This is a project-based course that teaches you how to:
- Identify a problem that matters to you
- Find the right solution with the power of perspective
- Conduct research on your chosen topic to develop a plan for action
Problem Perspectives
The key to solving your best problem is to look at it from different perspectives.
Take the case of a high school student who has been struggling with math. He lives in a country where his family is relatively poor, and he has an older brother who goes to college and a younger sister who is still in elementary school. The student’s father works hard, and the family doesn’t have much money. The boy often has to take care of his younger siblings. Their mother works at home or goes out to work in order to make ends meet.
He’s been working hard on his math grades because he wants his parents’ to be proud of him. But when he looks back at the work he’s done so far, he realizes that too many of his assignments could have been better, even though they were correct according to the teacher’s instructions.
The student knows he can solve this problem better. Solving a better problem will give him a chance at getting good grades. And good grades eventually lead to being accepted into college. Solving a better problem avoids wasting all this time by doing them right away!
You might think that all problems are the same, but they aren’t. Some problems are harder than others and require different approaches to solve them. This is especially true if you want to be successful in life. You need to know how to solve the right problem.
One way to determine whether a problem is right for you is by using your “problem perspective.” A problem perspective is a way of looking at a situation that helps you decide what solutions will work best for you.
For example, if you’re trying to improve your grades in school, and someone suggests that you should try tutoring another student instead of studying for tests, that person doesn’t understand your “problem perspective” because he or she hasn’t taken the time to understand what it’s like for him or her when trying to study for tests.
Course on Problem Perspectives
In this Course, I will show you how to solve your best problem.
You should solve the right problem, not the first one that you find. The most satisfying work comes from identifying problems worth solving, and then solving them well. This can only be accomplished if you fully understand the situation before providing a solution.
The best way to do this is to adopt a wide perspective. Don’t let yourself get immersed in the details of the problem or feel intimidated by it. Think about the problem from several different standpoints. You’ll be able to identify a better problem to solve.